Three cheers for seagrass in Whaingaroa!

Posted 12 years ago    3 comments

Did you know that Raglan has 9.6 hectares of seagrass, thanks to Harbourcare's riparian planting and fencing. Harbourcare has grown and planted over a million trees along streams and coastal areas in our catchment, cleaning up our catchment and creating better habitat for all species from fish to seagrass.

And seagrass may have more appeal than you have realized...

According to a recent article in the New Scientist publication:

"They may be trickier than trees for environmental protesters to chain themselves to, but it turns out that seagrass ecosystems hold as much carbon per hectare as the world's forests – and are now among its most threatened ecosystems... An international team of researchers estimated that seagrass captures 27.4 million tonnes of carbon each year, burying it in the soil below. And unlike forests that hold carbon for about 60 years then release it again, seagrass ecosystems have been capturing and storing carbon since the last ice age."


Read the article online here:


Photos from Harbourcare's website:

Another YouTube video- Mauis Dolphin Day 2012

Posted 12 years ago    3 comments

One more YouTube video to get ya through the end of the week! Billabong has put together this video about Maui's Dolphin Day 2012, featuring our special surfer guests, Dave Rastovich and Lauren Hill, as well as footage from Maui's Dolphin Day and information about seabed mining.


KASM video on YouTube

Posted 12 years ago    3 comments

If you haven't yet seen it, check out KASM's video on YouTube featuring locals and our beautiful Whaingaroa. Well done!

"A short two minute film, highlighting the concerns of local kiwis, that our government is selling off mining rights to foreign owned mining companies, who want to strip mine our seabed. Destroying our beautiful country for short term gain.

This film and it's soundtrack was created for free by a community that cares more about this beautiful country than money.

Thank you to, Josh Kronfeld, Antonio Maioha, Daniel Kereopa, Peggy Oki, Dave Rastovich, and members of the local Raglan community for giving your time and effort."

Curtain Swap reminder - May 19th

Posted 12 years ago    6 comments

Keep the heat in this winter by installing curtains and curtain liners. Thermal-lined curtains are wonderful for keeping the cold air out, but you can also add your own thermal protection by putting any extra layers of fabric on the back of your curtains.

Basically, heat is a form of energy, which moves from warm areas to cool areas. So it likes to escape through windows.  Windows are a large source of heat exchange in almost every home. Lined curtains help keep warm air from exiting your house through the windows, This means warmer homes and lower power bills.

Autumn is a great time of year to sort out your curtains. Whaingaroa Environment Centre is hosting a free curtain swap on May 19th. Bring in your clean, good-condition curtains with measurements recorded and swap for something more suitable, maybe a new colour or size. Drop your curtains off anytime during the week prior and receive your swap ticket. You can also donate curtains to the swap and leftovers will be put in the curtain bank. Whaingaroa Environment Centre is also seeking anyone interested in learning how to make and alter curtains, for your own home or others. Volunteers needed for the curtain bank. Training provided.

Free the Sea with Miranda Brown

Posted 12 years ago    4 comments

 From Miranda Brown:


Free The Sea Live!

I am delighted to announce our Free The Sea T-shirt campaign is live!

Now you can go online, select your custom T-shirt, colour, design and be a messenger for our ocean.

In doing this you will be supporting the work of marine environmentalists. Our aim is to raise awareness as well as funds, so please pass it on people.

Like you, I am passionate about our beautiful planet - so join us in the solution. 
MB xx

Click here for more info...

Ruapuke beachcare - May 20th

Posted 12 years ago    2 comments

Message forwarded from

Atmavidya, Jenny Carter, Jenny Thompson, Angela Broring
Organising Group for the Ruapuke Beachcare



Kia ora Ruapuke Beach Carers,

We look forward to seeing everyone at the next planting day which was notified to you all a while ago and no doubt you will be looking forward to this as well:

Sunday 20 May 2.30pm (Rain, hail, snow or shine)

We are beginning planting at the South end of the beach this year, so please meet us there at the South End with a spade and gumboots. If you would like to join afternoon tea at Jenny Thompson's, you can bring some food to share.

After the planting (between 4.00 and 4.15pm) go back on to the road going towards Te Mata.  Just before you come to the tar seal, turn right at Tuturimu Road, and travel along the gravel for 5 minutes until to come to a t-junction go straight across the road and follow the track to Jenny Thompson's place (61 Matawha Road) to enjoy a cuppa together.

Sunday 17 June 2.30pm (Rain, hail, snow or shine)

More information about this planting and the place for a cuppa afterwards, to follow soon.

Insulation and Raglan in the media

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago    3 comments

The New Zealand Herald's supplement Element - A Better Way of Living has a great article on insulation and asthma. You can drop into WEC to read it or check it out online by clicking here!

That link again is -


The latest New Zealand Geographic has a feature on Raglan. Come into WEC to see our copy or you can read it online here!

That link again is -


Food Forest Working Bee, Curtain Swap and Timebank Orientation!

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago    4 comments

Lots of opportunities to join Timebank and help your community in the coming weeks... Check it out!

Food Forest Working Bee

6th May 8.30 am - 10 am, Oram Park, Raglan West. 

All welcome, come along and don’t forget to bring your family and friends. The official name created by the people who started the food forest is ‘Whaingaroa Food Forest Group’.  This group formed in July 2009.  Global Works, who are youth from America have played a big part in developing the food forest over the past 3 years.  This group is very organic.  We would be so keen to have new people involved in the food forest.  We are considering holding monthly working bees, the first Sunday of every month.Nau mai, haere mai, and come enjoy the fruits! For more info please feel free to ring or text Jacqui 021 0431127 / 8567568

Timebank Raglan members can earn Timebank Credits for their contribution to this working bee!


Curtain Swap

Saturday, May 19th  11am-3pm

Bring your clean, good condition curtains with measurements, and swap for something more suitable to your windows or requirements!

You can drop your curtains off at WEC anytime during the week, and come on Saturday to get your swap!

We also need a volunteer to help with the swap for timebank credits.

Contact Bexie with any questions.


Timebank Raglan Orientation

@WEC Friday May 11th, 12 noon

Timebank Raglan is going online! We're really excited about the new Community Weaver online software. You will be able to create a profile, make offers and requests, connect to other members and record trades. We'll also post events, announcements and alerts. In order to sign up to the new software, you must attend an orientation session. You will receive 1 timebank credit for attending, so you can get going!

Bring your laptop if possible so you can follow along. We'll also be taking your photo for your profile so wear your good hat =)
